
Los cuerpecitos de cristo

Mercè Piqueras, mi tia, publicó ayer un interesante post sobre milagros asociados a las ostias ensangrentadas:
Corpus: el miracle que mai no existí


I'm the Antipope

Otra canción de Zlad, el máximo exponente de la música molvanesa:

Zlad - I Am The Antipope

"The conclave entered into the room.
Inside of it they sat, these cardinals of doom.
Their votes was unanimous.
The horror instantaneous.
Observe! Smoke from chimney - not white but red!
They say it was the day that God bled.
Nuns weeped, holy men cursed
As they looked up onto the balcony and saw…
Beelzebub the First!

I am the Anti-Pope.
I am the Anti-Pope.
Like a lion kills an antelope.
Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe.
I am the Anti-Pope.

Two thousand years ago
Jesus said to his travelling show,
"No need for push. Do need for jostle.
Peter, you is my number one apostle.
Your name is mean rock - on you I build church.
No longer for successor I have need for to search."
But by Judas this words was overheard
And with mighty Satan he soon conferred,
"Oh Prince of darkness, be not in hesitation.
The head of God’s Church needs decapitation!"

I am the Anti-Pope.
I am the Anti-Pope.
Like a lion kills an antelope.
Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe.
I am the Anti-Pope.

"Hey, Grim Reaper, lend me your sickle.
This world needs some culling, blood needs to trickle!"
Prepare for the end - the Apocalypse approaches.
It’s feast time for maggots, worms and cockroaches.
But here comes White Horseman - Defender of God,
Exposing to everyone his powerful rod!
"I alone will fight for Jesus Christ
With sword so sharp I can make cheeses sliced."
He laughs to the Devil, he takes aim at Death
And he strikes down the enemy who takes one last breath.
But too early the victor makes his victory roar.
He may win this battle, but he not win the war.
For, yes, Beelzebub the First is set fire to then crucifixxed.
But next Anti-Pope is Zladko the 666th .

Yes, I am the Anti-Pope.
Like a lion kills an antelope.
Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe.
Like a neck in a hanging rope.
Like a germ in a microscope.
Like a witch reads a horoscope.
Like a cutter stabs an envelope.
I am the Anti-Pope.
There is no longer hope.
Long live Molvania!"

Nótese que la guitarra con teclas es más compleja que la Luciana de Rodolfo Chikilicuatre.


Yes sir, I can boogie

Repasando las carpetas de mp3 me he encontrado una canción con un inglés macarrónico que me ha llamado la atención.

Resulta que a finales de los 70 (antes de que yo naciera) apareció un dueto de chicas llamado Baccara cuyo primer single fué "Yes sir, I can boogie". Aunque a mi no me suenan, resulta que fueron las primeras artistas españolas en llegar al no.1 de las listas del Reino Unido (antes que Julio Iglesias) y, además, en su momento fueron el grupo músical femenino con más ventas del mundo.

Lo que realmente me ha llamado la atención de la canción són las frases que marco en negrita:

"Mister, your eyes are full of hesitation
Sure makes me wonder, if you know what you're looking for
Baby, I want to keep my reputation
I'm a sensation, you tried me once, you're back for more
Yes sir I can boogie
But I need a certain song
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long
Yes sir I can boogie
If you stay you can't go wrong
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long

No sir, I don't feel very much like talking
No neither walking, you wanna know if I can dance
Yes sir, already told you in the first word
And in the cold
But I will give you one more chance

Yes sir I can boogie
But I need a certain song
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long
Yes sir I can boogie
If you stay you can't go wrong
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long
Yes sir I can boogie
If you stay you can't go wrong
I can boogie, boogie boogie
All night long"
YES SIR, I CAN BOOGIE - Baccara (1977) (Composed: Rolf Soja / Frank Dostal)

Dice "Si Señor, ya se lo he dicho al principio, pero le voy a dar otra oportunidad" y entonces vuelve a cantar el estribillo. Parece como si tuvieran que justificarse para poder volver a poner el estribillo.

Les dejo el videoclip de la canción:

Ya puestos, el inglés cutre junto al video cutre igual os recuerda al mítico "Elektronik Supersonic" :

"Hey baby, wake up from your asleep.
We have arrived on to the future and the whole world is become...

Electronik, supersonik. Supersonik, electronik.

Hey baby, ride with me away.
We doesn't have much time.
My blue jeans is tight,
So on to my love rocket climb.
Inside tank of fuel is not fuel but love,
Above us, there is nothing above
But the stars above.
All systems gone, prepare for downcount!

Fly away in my space rocket.
You no need put money in my pocket.
The door is closed I just lock it.
(Hah!) I put my spark plug in your socket (Hah! Ha ha hah!)

The sun in sky is bright like fire!
You and me gets higher and higher.
Heart of communication fire!
Only thing can stop us is flat tire.

(Hah! Hah! Ha ha hah!)

Hey love crusader, I want to be your space invader.
For you I will descend the deepest moon crater.
I is most stronger than darth vapor.
Obey me, I is your new dictator.

For you is Venus, I am Mars.
With you I is more richer than all the czars.
Make a wishes on a shooting stars, then for you I will play on my cosmic guitars!

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your beltseats.
We has commenced our descent.
I trust you enjoy this flight as much as you enjoy this accent.

Now, back on earth, is time for down splash.
Into sea of eternal glory my spaceship crash.
People have arrived for to cheer me from near and far.
And as I bloat, I open door and shout:
I am world's biggest washed-up superstar!
(Supersonik, electronik)

As for sure as the sun rises in the west, of all the singers and poets on earth, I am the bestest.
Come, let me put ring of jupiter on your finger.
Then, like a smell around you, I will forever linger.

Okay, is time for end, no more will I sang.
Let me take you back in time, I want for you to experience big bang.
Long live space race, long live Molvania."


Poner a la gente en su sitio

Pocos placeres hay en la vida como el de ver a alguien humillar a un agresor, sobretodo cuando el agresor es alguien con cierto reconocimiento.

Resulta que Ricardo Galli se metió con David Santo Orcero por un artículo defendiendo los Colegios Profesionales de Ingenieros en Informática.

En lugar de criticar a David por sus argumentos en el artículo, el post Ricardo fue un ataque a sus cualidades como programador. Un ataque basado en algunos pedacitos de código sacados de algunas aportaciones de David al software libre.

La respuesta de David a las críticas me parece sublime. La justificación de las teóricas "bad practices" para suplir errores del compilador y mejoras de rendimiento en ciertos entornos de trabajo me parece una patada en los cojones de Ricardo.

Por cuestiones de ego probablemente Ricardo no escriba ninguna nota rectificatoria sobre su monumental cagada. Al igual que no la escribió Enrique Dans cuando se demostró que las falsedades del CV de Bernat Soria no eran falsas.